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166 HE wrote as follows: "My vassals, my instructors and some my pupils, faithful, trusty and tried, attentive to my behests like shadows, hearken to my letter all assembled!
აქ: გაოგნდა, დაიბნა
შეშინდა, შეძრწუნდა, ზარი დაეცა
შენსას ჩემი რა მივამსგავსო? შენებრი მე რა გავაკეთო? წამიტანე — თან წამიყოლე, წამიყვანე.
167 GIVE ear! I, Avt’handil, earth beneath your feet, write this unto you; with mine own hand have I written this epistle. For a little while I have preferred roaming to drink and song; for bread and meat I shall trust to my bow and thumb.
ეშმაკურად, თვალთმაქცობით
უნდა ლახვრით (შუბით) დაიჭრას, ლახვრით დაჭრა ეკუთვნის
168 I HAVE in hand a certain matter which makes me journey to a far country; I depart alone, and this year shall I travel. I ask you only this: I beseech you let me find the realm unshaken by the foe.
სხვას, თუ არ შენ
საზღვარი, ქვეყნის განაპირა მხარე
მერე, ეგებ, მოვბრუნდე, ღმერთმა სავსებით ხელი არ ამაღოს, არ დამკარგოს.
169 I HAVE in hand a certain matter which makes me journey to a far country; I depart alone, and this year shall I travel. I ask you only this: I beseech you let me find the realm unshaken by the foe.
ხიფათი, ფათერაკი, ავი ბედისწერა
მიცავს, მდარაჯობს
ციურ ძალთა გუნდი.
აქედან, დღეიდან
ძაძა, სამგლოვიარო ტანსაცმელი
წარჩინებული, დიდებული
170 YOU know, too, how he has grown up with me like a brother and like a son; you must obey him as if he were Avt’handil; let him make to sound the trumpet, do everything as I have hitherto done; if I come not at the time appointed, mourning and not laughter will be seemly to you."
ჩემი სურვილის ერთგულნო
დაძახებულნო, მოწვეულნო
171 THE eloquent and nice-worded one ended this letter, he tied gold round his waist, habited himself to travel alone; he said: "I shall mount in the plain." The soldiers formed in line, then they came forth; he tarried no time indoors.
თქვენს წინაშე მიწა და მტვერი
ველად გაჭრა, ადამიანთაგან განშორება
172 HE said: "Let all go hence; herein I need none as a partisan." He sent the slaves away also, he remained by himself, alone he withdrew himself, he hastened through the rushes. His slayer, T’hinat’hin, is always in his thoughts.
ჩემს თავზე, ჩემს თავს
უცხოდ, მოგზაურად, სამშობლოდან გადახვეწილად
173 HE galloped over that plain; he was lost to the soldiers’ sight. What human being might have seen him and pursued him, his sword could not harm him; his arm was hampered. He was heavy laden with a burden of grief for her sake.
ჩემ ნაცვლად
ბატონობდეს, მმართველობდეს
174 WHEN the soldiers hunted and sought their lord, and could no longer find the sun-faced, their countenances paled, their great joy turned into heaviness, they ran everywhere to seek him, whoever had a swift horse.
ვითა - როგორც
სასულე საკრავს, ბუკს ჩაჰბეროს
175 0 LION, whom can God put in thy place! They ran and brought out other messengers from elsewhere; they could learn nothing of him; he passed from that place. His disheartened hosts shed hot tears.
მომხიბლავმა, მშვენიერმა, მჭევრმეტყველმა
ქამარში ოქრო ჩაიდო
იმავე წამს
არ დაყო
176 SHERMADIN assembled together the courtiers and nobles; he showed them the letter in which Avt’handil had told them his tidings. When they heard it, all remained heart-pierced, they beat themselves, there was not a tearless heart, not an unbruised breast.
177 ALL said: "Though our state without him is irksome to us, to whom save thee could he give his seat and throne ? Of a truth we shall obey thee, whatever thou commandest any of us." They made that vassal lord; all did him homage.
გაკიდეგანდა, გვერდზე გავიდა
ვინ ნახავდა სულიერი ან ვინ გაეკიდებოდა?
დარდის, სევდის
კარგ, საპატიო ტვირთად.