Take a part in creation of animated films!... For this choose scene, episode, verse which is most interesting for you…. Draw, illustrate how do you imagine this scene, episode … Using color pencils, pastels, paints… On a cardboard, paper, canvas…. Also, you can rewrite your favorite verse in a beautiful way… decorate, paint… As you like… Further scan or take a photo and send it to the following email: Don’t forget to write your name and surname…. Also how old are you… where do you live, which city, village, country… Describe in written form what is happening on the picture, which scene is it…. How do you imagine movement of your drawing… animation, what should happen, what each character should do… Also memorise the verse which you like the most… Further, if you can record your voice, even on a mobile phone… and send it also to the mentioned email. We are waiting to hear from you…
You can contact us at: Tel: +995 32 299 02 63; +995 577 46 61 08; Adress: G. Leonidze St. 18, 0105 Tbilisi. E-Mail: televeziri@gmail.com Web Site: www.utvalavi.ge; www. televeziri.org.ge |